Things to do in the Morning to Have a Good Day
A Great Sunrise!
Who doesn’t like to have a good day? We all wake up in the morning a little cranky which then sets us off for a bad day ahead of us. How we act in the morning before work or before our day officially starts effects out day and how it plays out. Here is a good, long list of 25 things to do in the morning that will get you ready to have a marvelous day!
1. Wake up on time. Most of us hear that loud ringing sound in our ears and just bang it until you hit the snooze button and then go back to sleep for 9 more minutes. Then it goes off again! Some of us hit it again, but others actually get up! By hitting the alarm clock over and over meaning you sleep later and later only calls for a bad day. This means you wake up late and have to rush to work or school and rushing things is always a call for disaster. Instead, get up at the right time so you can have enough time to get ready and stuff.
2. Take an early morning walk or jog. If you have a lot of time on your hands, this will surely wake you up. Get up, get some shorts or something on, and go for a walk with the dog or a jog. It allows you to awaken strong for a good day!
3. Take a shower. Taking a shower allows you to be cleansed of all the gross stuff your body picked up overnight. For example, oil in your hair. You don’t want to go to work with horrible looking hair! You want to keep your job don’t you? Taking a shower also offers some relaxation for your morning.
4. Take your time getting dressed. When taking your time, really at anything, you avoid error. If you rush through something like getting dressed and mess up somehow, you will be regretting it. You will regret forgetting socks and you have to go the whole day with a stinky pair of feet!
5. Eat a good breakfast. Once you have done the first 3 thing, its time for the food, everyone’s favorite! Eat a good breakfast for energy for the day. Choices include an apple or banana or both, cereal, bacon and eggs, anything that will give you energy for the day.
6. Drink coffee. Drinking coffee allows every bit of you that didn’t get waken up by the first 4 steps to be waken up, haha. Coffee is good for when you are tired to wake you up. What are you in the morning? Tired. What do you need to do? Wake up! Drink coffee.
7. Read the newspaper. This can be done while you eat and drink breakfast. Reading the newspaper allows you to catch up on the news. Who knows, you might read something that you like that will put you in a good mood for the rest of the day, or you might read something bad which creates a bad mood. Just read the homes or sports section. Those shouldn’t make you mad.
Ok, so now you have about an hour til you need to leave for work. Good, that’s plenty of time to do many things to have a good day.
8. Watch the morning news. Just like reading the newspaper, the morning news will allow you to catch up on the current news. It will also provide something to talk about at work.
9. Relax a little. You still have quite a bit of time, so now go sit out on the balcony (if you have one) or a porch. Just sit in the chair and watch the water, plants, or whatever you are facing. Hearing the birds call in the morning or watching the sunflowers blow around in the wind, it provides a good relaxation period.
10. Clean a little bit. When you clean something like a table or a cabinet or whatever you clean, you feel like you have achieved something valuable. Not something big like conquering a nation, just clean a little bit to ensure a good feeling. Feeling good about yourself enables self esteem which creates a good mood then creating a good day!
11. Wake the kids up. Possibly the best thing to being a parent is seeing your children, according to most parents. Seeing your kids wake up and give you a hug and a kiss in the morning will definitely get you in a good mood.
12. Wake your wife up. A husband’s most proud procession, besides the TV remote, is his wife. Seeing her in the morning just like seeing your kids will set you in a good mood. If you are smart, you should have her cook breakfast for you or you cook breakfast for her!
13. Pet the dog awhile. Aw, the dog. Your kids love that mutt and you are convinced you kinda are starting to love it. Just give the dog a little rub down to let them start off with a good day! Seeing your pet happy will make you happy.
14. While driving to work, turn on music you like. If you prefer quietness while you drive, that is just fine. It creates more time for relaxation. One thing that puts me into a good mood is my favorite type of music. Turn on some tunes and enjoy the drive.
15. Try not to get pulled over. This is top in creating a BAD day. Getting a traffic ticket, especially from that cop you really do not like, will not help a good day. Don’t speed, wear a seatbelt and follow the law!
16. Take your time driving to work. Once again, take your time! Rushing through might cause for someone to get mad at you which will create a bad day for them and then you might even get in a wreck! That would really not be a good day.
17. Arriving at work. Arrive at work with a smile on your face, especially if you are passing your fellow co workers. Sometimes, all people need is a good smile to change their day around.
18. Walk into work happy! Odds are, you really do not want to be at work. If you storm in with a frown on your face and stomping your feet, people will notice you are not having a good day. Instead, walk in happy and say hello to everyone, or at least try too.
19. Speak to a close friend. By speaking to a close friend or co worker, you are interacting kindly to another human being. Acting kindly whether to yourself or another person will put you in a good mood. Plus, you might talk about something funny or silly. Humor always creates a good day!
20. And finally, have the right mindset. Sometimes people pass this step up. They do all these steps but still turn out having a bad day for some reason. Put it in your head that you will have a good day today no matter what happens. You can always pray and ask God to provide you with a good day and he will definitely provide you with one.
The main things to remember are to never rush at anything, watch/listen/do something funny or humorous, and remember that you can pray and ask God because he will always provide.
Thanks for reading and HAVE A GOOD DAY!
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