Amazing Tricks for Skype

 Discover secret shortcuts, organize your contacts, chat more and get the most out of Skype's latest features.

Group call and chat

 Need a break? Just press CTRL + ENTER to start a new line in your chat.

Start a new line in your chat

 Oops, didn't mean to say that? Just right click then select 'edit message'.

Message editing

Let the person you're calling see your desktop - click the '+' menu and select 'Share screens'. You can also choose to share only a single window.

Share screens
Lost your mouse? Touch screen feeling tetchy? Press ALT + PageUp to answer a call.

Answer a call another way

If you want to answer with video, use CTRL + ALT + PageDown.

Answer a call with video

 Link your Skype account with Facebook and you can chat to your friends in one place, or even give them a free call.

Call or chat with Facebook friends

Hover over an emoticon to see how to quickly type and add it to a chat.

Emoticon shortcuts

To share a contact with a friend, drag and drop them into the chat box or use the '+' menu and watch your social circle grow.

Send contacts

Share your snaps by simply dragging and dropping the file or photo into the chat box or using the '+' menu, even when you're on a call.

Send files and photos


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