Ayurvedic Health tips for winter

Winter can actually be a perfect time to strengthen immunity if we know how to do it properly. Using Ayurveda, the ancient Indian philosophy guiding and inspiring us in the ‘art of living wisely’ we can live a healthier more holistic life in respecting and loving each season and what it can offer us. Winter may be cold, wet and a bit miserable, but with these toasty tips it can become a joy.

1) Drink warm water - According to Ayurveda, warm water is easier to absorb than cold. Boil the water first and allow it to cool a little, water that has been boiled and is then consumed lukewarm will be absorbed more quickly by the cells of the body. It is also going to be more balancing for the body.

2) Practise Yoga – Do a series of sun salutations with the late winter morning sunrise. This yoga asana is ideal as it builds up heat and muscle in the body. Plus, generating more internal heat improves the digestive fire, which is at the centre of your immune system. 

3) Pamper yourself - Have a warm sesame oil massage before a bath or shower. Add any essential oils you prefer to make it your own. The oil has wonderful properties for nourishing the skin, the body’s first line of defence in winter. Sesame oil also relaxes the nervous system, removes impurities from the plasma and blood, and it feeds the inner tissues of the body. Heat the oil until it’s warm but not too hot, then rub it in starting with your scalp and working all the way down to the soles of your feet. Let it penetrate for 15 minutes, then hop in the shower and when you get out your skin will be super soft and glowing.

4) Relax your lifestyle - Now is not the time of year for too many late nights and events. The rhythm of this season encourages us to turn inside, meditate and nourish our spirits. Grab a good book and curl up. When spring comes you’ll be ready for action.

5) Drink Chai Tea - for its warming abilities. With ingredients like cinnamon, ginger and cardamom, a good chai tea smells festive and fills the house and heart with winter cheer. It’s also brilliant at stimulating circulation which will keep you warmer when you do venture outside.


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