Bedtime Rituals for Children

More than thirty percent of all kids have a difficult time going to bed or keeping a standard bed time. Kids will be inventive to stay up late. Much of this has to do with fear of separation from their parents. Regular bedtime rituals can help alleviate some of their insecurity.
Bedtime is important and parents should spend twenty minutes or half an hour each night connecting with their children at bedtime. This is a perfect time for the kids to share their day and unwind. Small children look forward to this uninterrupted time with Mom and Dad.
Keeping a standard schedule will help with getting kids to go to bed without a fight. When at all possible put the kids to bed at the same time every day. Consistency builds security in children. They like to count on things being the same.
Bath time before bed is an excellent way to get the kids to settle down and get ready for sleep. This can be included in the time set aside for bedtime rituals. A nice warm bath will help children relax and unwind before bed.
After bath time, if the child is young, read a story or a chapter of a longer story. If age appropriate, have the child read to you, or take turns reading pages. Stories can be soothing and relaxing. Stories also excite the imagination and give happy thoughts to fall asleep to. Leave time to discuss the story and get your child's input. Not only with this show you value them, it will keep them excited about reading.
Take time to rub their back and let them talk as the fall asleep. This lets them get anything out that might be bothering them or making them fearful. A teddy bed or doll may help as the child transitions to sleep. Some kids are afraid of sleeping alone, having a bedtime buddy can help ease their fears.
End the evening with a prayer. Give your child an opportunity to talk with God and build relationship with you. At the end of the prayer, tell your child you love them, hug and kiss them goodnight and leave them to fall asleep. Have a phrase like, "Sweet dreams, I love you", be the last words you say each and every night.
Building a consistent routine will help keep peace in your house and help your child respect boundaries in other areas of their lives as well. If they have a schedule that is enforced, it will make bedtime less hectic and stressful. Remember, it is your responsibility to set the tone for bedtime and alleviate any fears your child may have going to bed.


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