How to get rid of a bad fat day
Has it ever happened to you? That when you get up in the morning and see yourself in the mirror all you see are chubby cheeks, round waist and large bum. None of your clothes look perfect on your body. You don’t feel like eating because you fear that it will make you look more bloated.
Many women feel these symptoms every now and then. The feeling sucks!! But here are some tips, these will make easy for you to shoo away a fat day.
The following tips will make you feel good as well as look good-
Recite a Feel-Good Mantra-
Most of the time this “fat” feeling is just in your head and not on your hips! Just stop thinking on how fat you look. Look for a chant that you can recite anytime you feel sulky. Say this to yourself, “I am sexy and beautiful”, “I feel so good today” and so on. Even if you feel depress, don’t stop chanting these lines. Say it out aloud and the unpleasant feeling will leave you in no time.
Smash the Mirror-
If this idea sounds too harsh and brutal, then hide your mirror somewhere away. The more you keep staring at yourself, the more you will feel depressed. Another golden tip- Hide away your weighing scale too.
Take a Long Bath-
Take a bath to look slimer
A relaxing bath will refresh you as well as clear your mind. A hot shower will definitely soothe your body and your senses. A bubble bath can also be a great idea. This will wash away all your negative thoughts. You will emerge lighter, happier and more beautiful.
Munch on some Salad-
Since you feel bloated, you might want to get a diet plan at least for the day. Instead on hogging on full meals, eat some fruits or some healthy greens. This will fill your stomach and also make you feel lighter. Avoid junk food that day.
Look Glamorous-
If you look good outside, you will feel great inside. Wear something that makes you look beautiful. Pick out something that speaks out for itself, “I look great”.
Watch a funny flick-
A good film can do wonders for you. So go and get yourself a comedy and funny movie DVD and feel great.
Women love shopping! It is the ultimate pleasure for many of them. Go out and buy something for yourself that you were craving for from so long. Be materialistic for the day.
Do a Good Deed-
Sometimes making others happy, can also make you feel great!! Do good deeds all the day! It can be as simple as complementing someone or helping an old lady to cross the road. This will make others think high of you.
Love Yourself-
Last but not the least, love yourself. Remember, nobody’s perfect, not even you. Keep in mind that you are special in your own way.
So cheer up! Get going!
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