Best Yoga Moves To Learn Today

Top 5 Yoga Moves To Learn Today

Learn five yoga poses today and practice them every day, just like Jennifer Aniston.
1. Temple Pose
 Targets calves
Plant your feet wide, bend your knees out to the side, and open at a 90-degree angle. Sink your butt down in alignment with your knees then plié, squat, and hold for 30 seconds. Plié deeply 8 times, followed by 8 quick, shallow pulses.
 2. Chair Pose
 Targets legs and butt
Sink down as if you’re sinking into a chair. With your feet aligned, hip-width apart, rock back your weight from the balls of the feet to the heels and shift your hips back. Align your knee over heels, butt back, and peel your belly off your thighs by extending your arms overhead. Do 1-3 sets. If you really want to tone up, you can also do squats.
3. Sun Salute
Targets abs and hamstrings
As you the inhale, sweep your arms over your head, and then as you exhale, dive forward — a swan dive with down-hinging hips. Put your hands on the floor and extend your chest forward. Step back to the top of a push-up and put palms directly below your shoulders. Firm your thighs and make sure your hips and shoulders are aligned. Resist the floor as you lower to a low push-up. Scoop your chest up and arch into an upward facing dog, keeping thighs on the floor. Roll over the toes and press back to downward facing dog, using your inner thighs and abs.
4. Tree Pose
 Targets abs and thighs
Stand straight, shifting your body weight on to your right foot with your knee up to your chest. Turn your knee to the side and press the sole of your foot to your inner thigh or calf, depending on your flexibility. Put your palms together, extending to the crown of your head. Hold it for 5-10 breaths.
5. Reclining Pigeon
 Targets chest and thighs
Lie back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet on the floor. Cross your left ankle over your right knee and flex your foot, then draw your right knee in toward your chest. Wrap around your hamstring and gently draw your knee towards the chest. You’ll feel the stretch of your left hip.


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